A relaxing Friday!
I love the Friday after Thanksgiving! I DONT do the shopping frenzy-how stupid do you think I am? I slept in, cleaned house, read and basically relaxed all day. I sorted thru weeks worth of junk mail and coupons and paid bills. Daughter and I hit the grocery store and easily manuevered thru the aisles getting the few things we needed. And I didnt have to wait in a line at checkout! I washed all the laundry and got all the folding done and only have to make the bed. I feel so ahead of myself!! Daughter has already had her bath and is watching cartoons in her jammies so at bedtime it'll be a smooth sail.
At 3:01 AM,
T said…
Hey there... I haven't done one bit of Christmas shopping yet!!! It doesn't even feel like Christmas to me... I think because I have been in Australia where despite their Christmas decorations, it's the middle of summer!!! Plus, I missed Thanksgiving, so the chain of events leading up to xmas is all thrown off.
How are you doing?
At 1:50 AM,
T said…
Hey... got your comment. I'm doing okay, just tired. I am starting to get back on track. I had to get up today for a 10 am appointment so that helped. I went through the same thing when I got back from China but a lot worse.
Hope you are well.
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