No cash option....
Okay, the magazine people emailed me back this morning and there isnt a cash option. But I can pick the foods I want and freeze/store the bulk of it. I have a girlfriend at church whose family has a catering business and I will call her and see if they will work with me. I'd love a nice BBQ with steaks and chicken and ribs and all the sides and a nice birthday cake in June for all my family. And that shouldnt be over $750-$1000. The cookbooks I won should be no more than $500. So I figure about $2000 in 'groceries' that I should be able to distribute to my family and store for later. And if its all meat, even better. I know, us carnivores suck, but it sure tastes good! My parents love to grill and if I could stock my Dad's freezer I'd make him so happy. But I dont know details until I send in the affy so more on that later.
At 12:34 AM,
T said…
hey, just so you know... I NEVER blog at that blogspot address anymore. I am not at my myspace page... email me if you don't have the link. That last one was kind of a processing-the-divorce thing and I'm through with that and needed a fresh start someplace new :)
Since you don't allow anonymous comments, though, I still sign as if I was at that old page....
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